An annual fee on a credit card can be worthwhile if it comes with added rewards and benefits, but most of the time those cards are for specific consumers that travel heavily or spend in specific ways. No annual fee cards are a win-win regardless of your spending habits. Keeping your card open at no cost is also beneficial to growing credit history and the average age of accounts.
OpenSky® Plus Secured Visa® Credit Card
- New feature! Earn up to 10% cash back* on everyday purchases
- No annual fee
- No credit check to apply. Find out instantly if you are approved- Zero credit risk to apply!
- Looking to build or rebuild your credit? 2 out of 3 OpenSky cardholders increase their credit score by an average of 41 points in just 3 months
- Monitor your credit progress with free access to your FICO Credit Score.
- Build your credit history across 3 major credit reporting agencies: Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion
- Add to your mobile wallet and make purchases using Apple Pay, Samsung Pay and Google Pay
- Secure your credit line with a refundable security deposit - as low as $300.
- Easy application, apply in less than 5 minutes right from your mobile device
- Offers flexible payment due dates which allow you to choose any available due date that fits your payment schedule
- Now you can make smaller partial payments towards funding your security deposit over 60 days
- Over 1.4 Million Cardholders Have Used OpenSky Secured Credit Card To Improve Their Credit
- *See Rewards Terms and Conditions for more information
- Credit Recommended
- No credit, Poor, Fair
- Regular APR
- 28.99% (variable)
- Annual Fee
- $0
- Credit Line
- $300-$3000 at time of application
Upgrade Cash Rewards Visa®
- $200 bonus after opening a Rewards Checking Plus account and making 3 debit card transactions*
- 1.5% unlimited cash back on every purchase
- No annual fee
- See if you qualify in seconds with no impact to your credit score
- Combine the flexibility of a card with the predictability of a personal loan
- Enjoy Visa Signature benefits, like Roadside Dispatch, Price Protection, Extended Warranty Protection, and more
- Up to 10% cash back from your favorite brands with Upgrade Shopping
- Contactless payments with Apple Pay® and Google Wallet™
- Mobile app to access your account anytime, anywhere
- Use your card anywhere Visa is accepted
- Relax knowing that you are protected in case of unauthorized transactions with Visa’s Zero Liability Policy
- Credit Line
- $500 - $25,000
- Regular APR
- 14.99% - 29.99% APR
- Regular Transfer APR
- 14.99% - 29.99% APR
- Annual Fee
- $0
*To qualify for the welcome bonus, you must open and fund a new Rewards Checking Plus account through Upgrade and make 3 qualifying debit card transactions from your Rewards Checking Plus account within 60 days of the date the Rewards Checking Plus account is opened. If you have previously opened a checking account through Upgrade or do not open a Rewards Checking Plus account as part of this application process, you are not eligible for this welcome bonus offer. Your Upgrade Card and Rewards Checking Plus account must be open and in good standing to receive a bonus. To qualify, debit card transactions must have settled and exclude ATM transactions. Please refer to the applicable Upgrade Visa® Debit Card Agreement and Disclosures for more information. Welcome bonus offers cannot be combined, substituted, or applied retroactively. The bonus will be applied to your Rewards Checking Plus account as a one-time payout credit within 60 days after meeting the conditions.
OpenSky Launch Secured Visa® Credit Card
- Excellent option for a low fully refundable security deposit, get started with just $100
- Earn up to 10% cash back on everyday purchases
- Minimum payment as low as $10
- Annual fee billed in monthly installments of $2 per month in year 1 and $3 per month thereafter
- No credit check to apply. Find out instantly if you are approved- Zero credit risk to apply!
- Looking to build or rebuild your credit? 2 out of 3 OpenSky cardholders increase their credit score by an average of 41 points in just 3 months
- Monitor your credit progress with free access to your FICO Credit Score.
- Build your credit history across 3 major credit reporting agencies: Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion
- Add to your mobile wallet and make purchases using Apple Pay, Samsung Pay and Google Pay
- Easy application, apply in less than 5 minutes right from your mobile device
- Offers flexible payment due dates which allow you to choose any available due date that fits your payment schedule
- Now you can make smaller partial payments towards funding your security deposit over 60 days
- Over 1.4 million cardholders have used OpenSky Secured Credit Card to improve their credit
- Credit Recommended
- No credit, Poor, Fair
- Regular APR
- 28.99% (variable)
- Annual Fee
- $24 during the first year, paid in installments of $2 per month. $36 after the first year, paid in installments of $3 per month.
- Credit Line
- $100- $1,000
Advertiser Disclosure: Dollar-sense is an independent, advertising-supported comparison service. The offers that appear on this site are from companies from which Dollar-sense receives compensation. This compensation may impact how and where products appear on this site (including, for example, the order in which they appear). Dollar-sense does not include all companies or all offers available in the marketplace. Dollar-sense may use other proprietary factors to impact offer listings on the website such as consumer selection or the likelihood of the applicant’s credit approval.